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STEM education focuses on improving students' skills and in-depth understanding of STEM concepts. Many education systems have sought to reformat their instruction to prepare students for these particularly challenging career choices.  This has been seen as the cornerstone in reviving the American education system and making our students competitive on the world stage once more.  "Our success as a nation depends on strengthening America’s role as the world’s engine of discovery and innovation".


Everyone wants students to be able to perform at their maximum potentials. However, knowing the right answer isn't enough anymore. In the new, knowledge-based economy, creative thinking and problem solving are as important as traditional knowledge, if not more so. Today's students will have to know how to use their knowledge creatively to get ahead in the increasingly competitive global market. 


STEM education focuses on improving students' skills and knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Many STEM-field businesses have pointed out that they have a hard time filling specialized jobs because of a lack of qualified applicants. In response, many education systems have sought to reformat their learning to prepare students for these particularly challenging career choices. For several years, this has been seen as the cornerstone in reviving the American education system and making our students competitive on the world stage once more. Many education reformers point to this rigorous educational format as a panacea for many of the ills that currently plague schools.



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